USN Flight Jacket
USN Flight Jacket
USN Flight Jacket
USN Flight Jacket
USN Flight Jacket
USN Flight Jacket
USN Flight Jacket
USN Flight Jacket
USN Flight Jacket
USN Flight Jacket
USN Flight Jacket
USN Flight Jacket
USN Flight Jacket
USN Flight Jacket
USN Flight Jacket
USN Flight Jacket


USN Flight Jacket

Sale price¥44,000(税込)
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About items / size
Based on a summer flight jacket paid for US.NAVY pilots in the 1950s [Flight Jacket]

Uses an original cotton poplin material called ARMY CLOTH, which is smooth and breathable, and is equipped with four pockets with a functional and military -like design.

A slightly thicker armhole has a pen pocket, and the deep action pleats and belts that do not feel cramped on the back create an elegant silhouette when worn.
The shape of the collar is a small round color and styles around the neck clearly.

Fabric: 100 % cotton
Color: khaki / navy
Size: XS/S/M/L/XL
Origin: Japan

Size Chart (Unit: cm)
size XS S M L XL
shoulder width 48 50 52 54 56
Width 52 54 56 58 60
Length 67 70 72 73 74
Sleeve Length 59 60 61 62 63
Sleeve length 83 85 87 89 91
cuff 29.5 30.5 31.5 32.5 33.5

About brand
1994年にピエールフルニエによってフランスのパリで立ち上げられた、セレクトショップ。 オリジナルブランドをメンズアイテム中心に展開。 2008年、世界的なヴィンテージコレクター寺本欣児と共同開発を始動。2011年には東京日本橋に、初めて日本での路面店をオープン。 妥協のないこだわりに溢れたエレガントなコレクションを特徴とし、ヴィンテージに忠実な上質な服と靴を提供します。